Guest Book Page



Wrestle as Jim Ross
Get to the WWF World Championship match to unlock Jim Ross.
Wrestle as Jerry Lawler
Get to the WWF World Championship match to unlock Jerry Lawler.

Wrestle as Stephanie McMahon
Begin a game in "Road To WrestleMania" mode with Test. Then, Stephanie Mcmahon will accompany him after a few matches. She will then be unlocked.

Wrestle as Paul Bearer
Begin a game in "Road To WrestleMania" mode with The Undertaker. Then, Paul Bearer will accompany him after a few matches. He will then be unlocked.

Wrestle as Dude Love
Win the WWF Heavyweight belt at SummerSlam. Then, Dude Love will appear and say he is there to make peace. He will then be unlocked.

Wrestle as Cactus Jack
Win the WWF Hardcore Championship belt and defend it approximately three times. Then, Cactus Jack will appear and challenge your wrestler to a match. He will then be unlocked.

Wrestle as Shawn Michaels (HBK)
Successfully complete "Road To WrestleMania" mode and win the Championship belt. After the final match, HBK's music will play. He will appear and
challenge your wrestler to a match. Successfully beat HBK to unlock him.

Smoking Skull belt
Successfully complete "Road To Wrestlemania" mode with Stone Cold Steve Austin to unlock the Smoking Skull belt in "Create-A-Belt" mode.

CPU named belt
Create a belt and win it. If you lose to the CPU when trying to defend the belt, the CPU will name the belt.

Headbangers appearance
Edit Chaz and change his clothes to Thrasher's, name to "MOSH" (case-sensitive), and music and video to the Headbangers to make them appear
together in a tag match with "Headbangers" displayed.

New Age Outlaw appearance
Place Billy Gunn with the Road Dogg titantron and entrance to make them appear together in a tag match with "New Age Outlaws" displayed.

Mark Henry and D'Lo Brown appearance Place Mark Henry with the D'Lo Brown music and video to make them appear together in a tag match.

D-generation-X appearance
Place X-Pac and HHH with the DX music and video to make them appear together in a tag match with "D-generation-X" displayed.

The Corporate Ministry appearance
Place Shane and The Undertaker with The Corporate Ministry music and video to make them appear together in a tag match with "Corporate Ministry" displayed.

The Brood appearance
Place Edge, Christian, or Gangrel with The Brood music and video to make them appear together in a tag match with "The Brood" displayed. Note: They will only come out the Ring of Fire when one of them are paired with Gangrel.

Union appearance
Place Show, Mankind, Ken Shamrock, or Test with the Union music and no video to make them appear together in a tag match with "Union" displayed.

Godfather's Ho as a manager
Clone your wrestler from Godfather. Then you can change any attribute, but it is necessary to have his fighting style.

Go to "Edit" and select one of the Originals. Then, go to "Clone" and select Debra, Terri, etc. You may now edit the woman. Select "Attire" and change the outfits. Costumes for Stephanie McMahon and two other females are there. You
have to save her as an Original. Then you can trade her to go over to the Superstars Fed, with the other females.

When you clone a women wrestler and edit the clone you can make the dummy that you do the moves to in create wrestler.

SummerSlam WWF Heavyweight title
Win the King Of The Ring tournament to get a WWF Heavyweight title shot at SummerSlam.

WWF WrestleMania title
Win the Royal Rumble tournament to get a shot at the WWF WrestleMania title. You must win the Royal Rumble tournament in order to make it to the WWF WrestleMania championship match. Even if you are already the champ, if you lose the Royal Rumble tournament, Vince McMahon will take the title away and you will have to start from the beginning again.

Quit Road To Wrestlemania without losing
Press Start and select "Quit" to get out of a Road To Wrestlemania match without losing.

Manager assistance
Your manager can help fight if your wrestler is the first person in the ring. Hold C-Up + C-Down + Z on controller three to have your manager be controlled by player three. If your wrestler is the second person in the ring, hold C-Up + C-Down + Z on controller four. Note: This only works for single matches.

Manager interference
Start a one-on-one match and select a wrestler that has a manager/valet. Select an opponent that does not have a manager/valet. Then, start the match and wait for a run-in for the opposing wrestler. After the new wrestler enter the ring, your manager will jump into the match and beat up the interfering wrestler.

Random character
At the character selection screen, press C-Down.

Alternate costumes
At the character selection screen, press C-Left or C-Right.

Alternate introduction sequence
Edit any wrestler's first costume to a different outfit and save it. Then restart the game, but do not press Start at the title screen



Other arena areas
Press Circle (Irish Whip) near the entrance of the center area in "Fall Anywhere" mode to access other areas in the arena.
Finishing move
When your meter has at least one of the dots highlighted, simply press L1 from the position from which your wrestler performs their finisher. For example, to perform Jeff Hardy's Sunton Bomb, knock your opponent down on the ground with at least one of the dots highlighted, climb the turnbuckle, and press L1.

Obtain weapons
During a match, press R1 while facing the ring to obtain a weapon. To change weapons, throw your current weapon out of the ring, then go outside the ring. Get close to the ring and press R1 again to grab another weapon from under the ring. You can repeat this until getting the weapon of your choice.

More weapons
When you are in a Fall Anywhere match you can get more objects by whipping wrestlers into things. For example, in the parking lot, whip someone into the ambulance to get a stretcher. Whip someone into the fire extinguisher box on the wall to get the extinguisher. In the back room after the stage, whip someone into the soda machine to get a soda/beer can out of it.

More created wrestler moves
Simply put your skill to a higher setting to get more moves for a created wrestler. Additionally, edit the "Fighting Style" to "Powerful", then go to "Ability". Increase "Powerful" to level five. Insert all the desired moves, then exit and save. Go to fighting style again. Repeat those steps to set "Technique", "Speedy", and "Rough Neck" to "Powerful". Although this is cumbersome, it is worth the effort to have all the higher level moves when you create a superstar.

Created wrestler pulls off elbow pads
Use the People's Elbow as a finisher to have your created wrestler pull off his elbow pads. If your created wrestler does not have elbow pads, they will appear when the move is used.

Created wrestler with Socko taunt
Use the Socko taunt as part of your created wrestler's moves to pull Socko out of your sleeve.

Created wrestlers with explosive intro
Use Kane's entrance to have a fiery explosion during your created wrestler's intro, regardless of movie.

Climb out of the cage
Go near the cage, press R1, and when you have climbed a short distance, repeatedly press Up.

Get season mode bonuses easily
Enter season mode and set all wrestlers to CPU players. Then, skip each match until a season is completed to unlock the bonus (if any) for completing that season.

Pre-season bonuses
Complete the following number of pre-seasons to get the corresponding bonus:

1: Wealth option
2: European title and ability
3: Women's title and ability
4: Tournament and ability
5: Hardcore title and ability
6: IC title and ability
7: Tag title and ability
8: Title match and ability
10: Skip pre-season
Stage 5/House Show 3A: Stevie Richards in Create-A-Superstar mode
Stage 6/House Show 3B: The Blue Meanie in Create-A-Superstar mode
Stage 58/House Show ED1: Alternate outfit for Stone Cold
Stage 61/House Show ED4: Alternate outfit for The Rock
Stage 65/House Show ED8: Stephanie McMahon in Create-A-Superstar mode

Season mode bonuses
Complete the indicated number of years in season mode to unlock the corresponding bonus/wrestler in Create-A-Superstar mode:

Bonus/Wrestler Seasons
Ivory 1 year
Prince Albert 2 years
Jacqueline 3 years
Viscera 4 years
80 ability points 5 years
Mideon 6 years
Gerald Brisco 7 years
Pat Patterson 8 years
90 ability points 10 years
100 ability points 20 years