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WWF title followed by the RAW title. We go inside the Gaylord Entertainmnet Center in Nashville, TN for the pyros less than one week from King of the Ring

King of the Ring Tournament
Kurt Angle vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley
Kurt Angle comes out and says it's great to be in Nashville amongst Rednecks. Speaking of rednecks, his opponent could be the biggest redneck of all time, Buh-Buh Ray Dudley. Kurt says we all know Buh-Buh likes to put his opponents through tables. The people in Nashville like to use their tables tostack their welfare checks or possibly inbred. Kurt has a table of his own that he will put his KOTR trophy on. It's true, it's true or as they'd say in Nashville, it's true, hee-haw.

Buh-Buh looks to be hurt from the dumpster yet and Kurt starts out with a belly-to-back takedown then goes for a quick cover, but Buh-Buh gets out. Buh-Buh uses the right hands to knock Kurt into the corner and work on him there. Buh-Buh hits a side suplex and follows with a whip that gets reversed, but Buh-Buh hits a shoulderblock. Buh-Buh with a short clohtesline takes Kurt down, and they show D-Von watching in the back. Buh-Buh hits a powerbomb and gets a nearfall. Angle hits a belly-to-belly overhead suplex off the top rope then throws Buh-Buh out of the ring. Buh-Buh gets whipped into the guardrail twice. They make their way up the ramp and Angle hits a vertical suplex on the stell ramp. Back in the ring, Angle hits a scoop slam then climbs the ropes for a moonsault, but Buh-Buh moves. Clothesline by Buh-Buh and he hits a somaon drop for a two count. Full nelson sitdown bomb by Buh-Buh gets another nearfall. Angle hits a bridging german suplex and gets a near fall on Buh-Buh Angle clims the ropes again, but Buh-Buh crotches him. Angle goes to the second rope and hits a superplex and floats over for another near fall. Buh-Buh goes for the Buh-Buh cutter, but Angle throws him into the ropes and Angle hits the Olympic Slam for the win.
Winner and advances in the King of the Ring: Kurt Angle via Olympic Slam

Corporation X is shown celebrating Angle's victory backstage and HHH, Steph, and Shane make their way toward the ring. Before they leave, Vince wishes X-Pac good luck in his KOTR match against Benoit. X-Pac says he don't need luck. He's got Benoit's number. Patterson and Brisco stop Vince and give him a fax that came from Linda.


Twix Slam of the Week...Jericho interrupting the HHH vs. Hardcore Holly match last night on HeAT.

Game rigns throught the arena and Corporation X make their way to the ring. HHH takes the mic first and let's us know what a pleasure it is to come out here each and every week and standing in this ring the WWF Champion knowing he's surronded by family, friends, and people he can count on. At least, people he thought he could count on. He addresses Patterson and Brisco. He says they ask them to do simple tasks. One photo. They beat up Kane and take his mask off and they were supposed to take one picture. Plain and simple, they screwed it up. Today is a good day, so they'll take care of it later. Thursday night, everything worked out as planned. As unified as Linda McMahon's team seems to be, there's not gonna be a whole lot of love in the ring Sunday night because they all want to be number one contender pretty bad. When King of the Ring is over, Undertaker is gonna be very disapponted as is Kane and Rock. None of them will be the number one contender and HHH will defend the WWF championship against the winner of the King of the Ring. He tells Shane they will prevail because this factioni is that damn good then everyone hugs in the ring.

Shane takes the mic from HHH and says he's proven he is the giant killer. Now in case we don't grasph what HHH is saying, Shane couldn't agree with the champion more. Lying in this ring will be Undertaker, Kane or Rock because HHH, Vince, or Shane will be victorious because blood is thicker than water. They throw it back to Thursday night when the Faction destoys Kane and Rock. He says this calls for a family celebration, but Vince don't fell like celebrating.

Vince says for the record, he loves his wife Linda. He won't deny they've had problems. He won't deny in the fax that he recieved she reminds him she is the CEO. He won't deny in the fax, she questions the size of the Factions testicles because they constantly interfere in matches. Linda proposes that in the six man tag team match that instead of Kane, Undertaker, and Rock competing for the number one contender, they should be competing for the WWF Championship. Further more, Linda questions whether or not Vince's grapefruits have shrunk to raisens. If Shane, HHH, or Vince defeat Kane, Undertaker or Rock he will defend his title at Fully Loaded. If Kane, Undertaker, or Rock defeat any of the Faction, he will become champion. Shane has to restrain HHH. Tonight, Kane, Undertaker, and Rock will have to earn this championship provision tonight by being victorious tonight. Kane will ave the Hardy Boyz, Undertaker will have Bull and Bossman, and T & A will square off against the Rock. All three guys must be victorious. To make sure everything is fair, there will be no interference in any of these matches by anyone in the faction or anyone in the back. Vince then asks how's that for a giant sacked size of grapefruits.


HHH verbally attacking Vince backstage and Vince says he'll take care of his end if HHH takes care of his two ends.

King of the Ring Match
X-Pac w/Tori vs. Chris Benoit
They start with a collar and elbow tie up. X-Pac turns it inot a headlock then Benoit puts on a hammerlcok that X-Pac reverses. They fight to the corner and exchance chops. Benoit with a sideheadlock that Benoit gets thrown off of and hits a shoulder block. X-Pac gets up with a spinning heel kick. Benoit ducks a clothesline and Benoit hits a couple chops followed by a back body drop. X-Pac throws benoit over the top rope and as Benoti tries to crawl in, X-Pac kicks him back down. X-Pac goes outside and throws Benoit into the steps. Back in the ring, X-Pac starts with the boots and Benoit gets back in and he puts on a sideheadlock. benoti fights out , but recieves a reverse heel kick for a near fall. X-Pac kicks Benoit down in teh corner and sets up for the bronco buster, but Benoit moves. Benoit knocks X-Pac down with a right hand then hits a chop followed by a front face lock into a snap suplex. Tori gets on the apron and Benoit goes to attack her, but X-Pac charges. Benoit moves and X-Pac nails her. Benoit comes up from behind and hits a bridging German suplex for a two. X-Pac charges and nails the ringpost. Benoit puts on the crossface, but X-Pac is too close to the rope. Benoit hits a shoulder breaker and goes for the diving headbutt, but X-Pac moves. The Dudley Boyz come down, but X-Pac gets rid of them. X-Pac goes for the X-Factor, but Benoit turns it into a faceplant of his own into the crossface.
Winner and advances to the next round: Chris Benoit via Crippler Crossface

POST MATCH--The Dudley's attack X-Pac until Road Dogg makes the save. Road Dogg holds Buh-Buh and Tori attacks the ribs. Road Dogg hammers on D-Von until the ref's come down and break it up.

Eddie and Chyna are shown walking towards the ring. Chyna tells him to be serious and not think of her as his mamcita, but as his opponent.


Road Dogg and X-Pac are shown backstage asking for a match against The Dudley's Vince says in the interest of fariness let's make this a handicap tables dumpsters match with Tori. So, For KOTR DX and Tori vs. The Dudley Boyz in a Tables Dumpster Match

King of the Ring Tournament
Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero
Eddie gives Chyna the roses and she sets them down ringside. Eddie tries to walk away, but chyna pulls him back. Eddie gives her a hug and Chyna pulls her away. Chyna offers her hand and Eddie triest o kiss it. Chyna pulls away then slaps him. Eddie tries to nail Chyna with the right hand, but she blcoks. Arm drag takedown by Chyna then she hits the powerbomb for the nearfall when Eddie gets his foot on the ropes. Chyna backs Eddie in the corner, but Eddie reverses. Eddie tries to punch her, but Chyna tells him to stop. Eddie says to make up your mind and Chyna offers a kiss, but Chyna attacks him. Chyna whips Eddie and she hits the handspring elbow. Chyna picks Eddie up for a press slam and then locks on a sleeper. Eddie throws her off and Chyna starts to go for the lowblow, but stops. Eddie goes to a knee to ask for forgiveness, but he pulls an inside cradle out of nowhere for the win.
Winner and advances to next round: Eddie Guerrero via inside cradle

POST MATCH--Chyna leaves the ring pissed off because Eddie tricked her. Eddie chases her up the ramp.

Edge and Christian are shown talking backstage and Edge says he will get back in the good graces of the Faction when he beats Chris Jericho and advances in the King of the Ring Tournament. Edge asks if Christian is coming to the ring and Christian says he knows the friend of a.........that's the editor of Tiger Beat. Edge says do what you gotta do and they wish each other luck.


Chyna and Eddie backstage and Eddie begging Chyna to talk to him, but she can't. Eddie offers flowers and candy. Eddie says he don't understand her. She says to be serious and she gets mad. He don't get serious and she gets mad. Chyna says last year she wanted to be Queen of the Ring really bad and this year she thought she had a chance then she got in the ring with him and.....Eddie pulls out a puppy and she forgave him. Everyone loves puppies. ;-)

King of the Ring Tournament
Edge vs. Chris Jericho
Welcome to Raw is Jericho! Jericho says he wants all of the Jerichoholics to do tonight is to take out the cameras because standing right over there for the benefit of those with flash photography is a hanson haired, greasy grinning bonafide jackass. As far as Jericho is concerned, Edge is a shoe in for the cover of Tiger Beat magazine because who knows more about beating than Edge?

The start out by trading chops in the middle of the ring and then Jericho hits a high back body drop. A clothesline from Jericho gets a two count. Spinning heel kick from Jericho and Edge retreats to the apron. Jericho hits a springboard dropkick to send Edge outside. Jericho follows with a baseball slide then he tries to send Edge into the steps, but Edge jumps them. Edge turns around and Edge spears Jericho as he tries to follow. Jericho just barely beats the ten count and Edge goes to work on Jericho in the corner. Edge picks Jericho up and puts hi in the tree of woe. Edge whips Jericho and takes him down with a knee to the gut. Jericho gets up and fitghts back with right hands. Jericho hits the turnbuckle hard then Edge puts Jericho on his shoulders and turns it into a faceplant. Edge goes for the knee to the gut again, but Jericho floats over and hits a schoolboy. Back up, Jericho charges Edge in the corner, but Edge gets his boot up. Edge goes for a missle dropkick, but Jericho counters. Jericho hits a forearm to the face then takes Edge down with a bulldog and gets a nearfall. Jericho with an elbow smash takedown then goes for the lionsault, but Edge gets his knees up. Edge hits a schoolboy and gets a two count. Jericho goes for the double powerbomb, but on the second attempt, Edge floats over for a sunset flip and a nearfall. Jericho gets a single leg takedown then locks on the Walls of Jericho for the win.
Winner and advances to next round: Chris Jericho via Walls of Jericho

HHH shown backstage telling Bull and Bossman to take the Undertaker out. HHH says if they don't get the job down, they will suffer the consequences.


Several members of the AFC Champion Tenessee Titans got free tickets tonight that you and I would give our left nut to get.

Handicap Must Win Match
Undertaker vs. Bull Buchanan and Big Bossman
Bull and Bossman shove each other to decide who's gonna start. Bull shoves Bossman right into Undertaker and Taker goes to work with the hard right hands. Kane is shown watching in the back. Bossman gets the elbow up on a Bossman charge. Bossman goes to make a tag, but Bull turns his back. Bossman makes the tag anyway and Undertaker charges and knocks him off the apron. Rock is shown watching in the back also. Undertaker goes to work on both guys on the outside. Taker drags Bull back in the ring and goes to work on him in the corner again. Bull handsprings off Undertaker's back then tosses Taker outside. Bossman gets a few shots on Taker and throws him back in to Bull. bull and Taker trade punches until Bull finally falls down. Bull whipped and Undertaker puts his huge boot in Bull's face. Taker knocks Bossman off the apron then he picks Bull up for the Tombstone, but Bossman threatens to hit him with the nightstick. Bossman takes off leaving Bull in the ring with Undertaker and Taker chokeslams him for the win.
Winner: Undertaker via chokeslam

Faction shown backstage and HHH tells Vince he's a genius sarcastically. Shane even agrees this is not a good idea.

Scotty stops Rikishi in the hall and tells him not to take the ass kick personally. Rikishi tells Scotty not to take it personally when Rikishi has to back dat ass up.


Clips from Saturday's house show at the Target Center Minneapolis, MN where Jesse "The Body" Ventura gave a little interview saying he would not run for President but if he did, Chyna would be his running mate.

King of the Ring Tournament
Scotty Too Hott vs. Rikishi Phatu
They start with Rikishi telling Scotty to hit the ropes and he does. Rikishi knocks him down with a shoulder block. Scotty tires a hip toss, but can't do it then steps off Rikishi's head and hits a superkick. Grandmaster Sexay is shown watching in the back. Scotty goes for a sunset flip, but moves before Riksihi sits down. Rikishi hits a powerslam on Scotty then drops the leg for a two coutn. Rikishi throws Scotty from corner to corner then knocks him down with a clothesline. Scotty crawls to the corner and Rikishi tries to back dat ass up, but Scotty moves. Scotty hits the bulldog then hits the W-O-R-M. for a two count.. Rikishi throws Scotty off of him and on to the floor. Scotty comes back in and recieves a soman drop then he crawls to the corner again and Rikishi backs dat ass up. Scotty falls down near the corner then he hits the bonzai drop for the pin.
Winner and advances to next round: Rikishi via bonzai drop

POST MATCH--Val Venis comes out of nowhere and beats Rikishi down in corner. Grandmaster Sexay tries to make the save, but he gets leveled by Val and Val walks away.

Kane shown backstage and Undertaker tells him he has to get it done. In fact, Taker tells Kane to act like he's in the ring with him.


Yesterday on Superstars we saw Shawn Michaels throw out the first pitch at an Arizon Diamondbacks game. You can catch Superstars every Sunday morning at 9/10 am on USA

Handicap Must Win Match
Hardy Boyz vs. Kane
Before the match starts, Rock is shown looking on. Jeff starts this one by kicking Kane in the gut followed by punches, but nothing phases Kane. Kane throws Jeff in the corner and drives the elbow into Jeff's head. Kane throws Jeff across the ring with a hiptoss. Jeff tries to crawl to Mat, but Knae whips him and after a few misses, Kane puts Jeff in a military press. Undertaker is shown chilling backstage and looking on. Kane whips Jeff and when Kane puts his had down, Jeff jumps over and tags in Matt. Matt goes right after the thigh muscle and knee of Kane. Kane gets the big boots up and puts Matt in the corner. Kane drags Matt back to the middle of the ring and levels him with a forearm. Kane goes for a suplex, but Matt falls out and makes a blind tag to Jeff. Jeff leaps off Matt's back for a crossbody then they double team Kane. Kane whips Jeff and gets the boot up again and follows it up with a sidewalk slam. Kane goes to the top rope and hits the flying clothesline. He goes for the cover, but Matt breaks it up. Kane knocks Matt off the aprong, but Jeff came in and sent Kane over the top rope. Jeff charges, but Kane sends him over. Matt hits the ropes and comes back with a DDT. Jeff goes for the guardrail plancha, but Kane grabs him in a chokeslam. Matt came off the apron and knocked him lose. Jeff hit a plancha over, but still couldn't knock the big man down. Matt was set up for the twist of fate, but Kane countered and set him on the top rope. The Hardyz double team Kane and can't even get a near fall. Jeff kicks Kane then goes to the top for the Swanton, but Kane sat up and Jeff hit nothing but canvas. Matt gets back in and Kane tries to hit the tombstone, but couldn't get him all the way on his shoulder so he turns it into a powerslam. Jeff breaks the count and Jeff tries to jump off Matt's back, but Kane moved and Jeff landed on the second rope. Jeff SLIPPED ON THE ROPE!! and landed awkward on his neck. Kane picks up with win after a chokeslam on Matt.

The Faction is shown backstage and HHH is getting hot over both Kane and Undertaker winning.


Congratulations to Jerry Toliver driver of the WWF racing team for taking over points lead this weekend.

HHH complaining to Stephanie about "daddy" screwing everything up.

King of the Ring Tournament
Crash Holly vs Hardcore Holly
They start with Hardcore attacking with right hands. Crash counters with a powerslam then beats Hardcore into the corner. Crash goes up top and hits a crossbody for a near fall. Crash with an rollup for a two. Crash goes for a huricanrana, but Hardcore counters with a powerbomb. Hardcore puts Crash on the top rope then kicks him in the gut. Hardcore hits a viscous clothesline and gets a two count. Hardcore puts Crash in the corner and chops him. Hardcore whips Crash and knocks him down with a foreamr smash. Hardcore throws Crash outside and bangs his head off the guardrail. Hardcore throws Crash back in the ring and continues to put the boots to him. Backbreaker by Hardcore for another near fall. Snap mare by Hardcore and he kicks the back of Crash's head. Hardcore puts Crash in the corner to work on him, but Crash fights back with boots of his own. Hardcore rakes the eyes then hits a vertical suplex on Crash for a two count. Patterson and Brisco make their way to the ring with a ref and Brisco nails Crash with a 2 x 4. The ref throws the match out.
Winner and advances to next round: Crash Holly via DQ

POST-MATCH--Patterson takes out Hardcore Holly while....

Hardcore Title Match
Crash Holly (c) vs. Gerald Brisco
Brisco covers Crash after the attack from the 2 x 4 and a different ref makes the count.
Winner and New Hardcore Champion: Gerald Brisco via 2x4 shot


Moments ago....Brisco winning the Hardcore Title for the second time.

Brisco backstage celebrating with referee Mike Chioda and Pat Patterson. Pat tells teh ref to lock the door, but first Pat has a little champaign to celebrate. Pat purs champaign for everyone and they toast to the new champ. Pat dumps the champaign on him and it burned Gerald's eyes and that leads to.....

Hardcore Title Match
Gerald Brisco (c) vs. Pat Patterson
Patterson breaks a bottle on Brisco's head then covers him to become the new hardcore champion.
Winner and new hardcore champion: Pat Patterson via bottle to the head

HHH and Steph are backstage telling T & A this is their last chance. Steph tells T & A this is their last chance and Test stares her down. HHH attacks and Test goes after him, but Albert prevents the confrontation.

Michael Cole interviews Rock and tells him he must beat T & A for the title to be on the line at King of the Ring. Finally, the Rock has come back to Nashville. The Rock is well aware of what is at stake tonight. The Rock says he's not gonna go out there and win for Kane or The Undertaker. The Rock is going to go out there and do exactly what he does best because he is the people's champion. Having said that, The Rock realzies that two letters stand in his way T & A. Unlike Test, The Rock isn't 6'7' 250 lbs with long blonde hair. Unlike Albert, The Rock is 6' 8' 230 lbs with a pierced penis. The Rock is 6'' of bring your candyasses. If ya smell what the Rock is cooking.


Lorillard WWF Rewind...T & A defeating The Hardy Boyz then Lita taking out Trish

Handicap Must Win Match
T & A w/Trish Stratus vs. Rock
Undertaker is shown backstage watching this one on a monitor. Albert starts out against Rock and a ROCKY chant breaks out. Rock strikes first with a boot to the midsection, but Albert whips Rock right into Test. Albert then charges,b ut Rock throws him over the top rope. Test then charges and recieves the same fate on the other side. Rock goes out to Albert and bangs his head off the announce table and the stairs. Test comes around and whips Rock towards Albert, but Rock hits the clothesline. As Rock turned around, Test laid Rock out with a clothesline. Kane is shown watching on a monitor backstage as well. Back in the ring, Albert throws Rock right into Test's big boot. Test beats on Rock in the corner then tries to choke him out with his boot. Albert taggd in and he goes right after the Rock with rights, but Rock fights back only to get put in a sidewalk slam. Albert knocks Rock down with an elbow then tags in Test. Test chokes Rock on teh ropes and as ,b>Earl Hebner tries to get a break, Trish continues to choke him. Rock fights back with right hands,b ut gets knocked back down witha clothesline. Rock gets whipped and Trish grabs his boot. Rock tries to pull her in, but Test attacks from behind. Rock hits a swinging neckbreaker followed by a DDT, but Trish is on the apron distracting the ref. Albert grabs the ring bell and nails Rock with it. Test covers, but Rock kicks out. Rock hits the Rock Bottom and Albert comes in and gets met with right hands and Rock and Albert double clothesline each other. All three men get up at the same time, and Rock takes turns blocking and punching T & A. Rock sends Albert out of the ring and hits the spinebuster on Test. He tosses the elbow pad and hits the people's elbow for the win.
Winner: Rock via People's Elbow

HHH shown backstage pissed off and Vince tells him to wait for Smackdown on Thursday. Shane is trying to play peacemaker. Back to the ring, the closeup and ID. Fade to black.....



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