Smackdown Results: -Grandmaster Sexay w/Scotty vs. Edge w/Christian in a KotR Qualifying match. Christian attempted to interfere but Scotty thwarted Christian, then Shane McMahon clocked Grandmaster in the head with a chair while the ref was distracted which enabled Edge to score the pin.
Winner: Edge
10:07 pm-McMahon-Helmsley faction comes to the ring (The Drama Begins).
10:25 pm-Test & Albert (T & A) vs. The Hardy Boyz. Trish interfered which prompted T & A with a double-foot to Jeff Hardy's face and enabled Test to score the pin..after the match Lita came out and beat up Trish and even scored a leg drop off the top rope on her.
Winners: Test & Albert
10:41 pm-D'lo Brown vs. Scotty Too Hotty in a KotR Qualifying match. D'lo missed the Lo-down, which enabled Scotty to nail a Top-rope DDT for the pin.
Winner: Scotty Too Hotty
10:49 pm-Kane vs. Chris Benoit. Chris used the IC title on Kane's face after Kane came off the top rope going for the clothesline, Benoit got DQ'd as a result.
Winner: Kane by DQ
10:59 pm-Edge & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz. They fought everywhere but both teams got counted out. After te bell rang Buh Buh was about to put a powerbomb through a table on Christian but DX intervened before he could. DX them put both Dudleyz in a dumpster. DX strapped the dumpster shut and we're pushed off the stage through 2 tables..(Ouch).
Winners: Double countout
11:17 pm-Chris Jericho vs. Bull Buchanan. With Stephs interference (naturally) Bull used a bicycle kick on Jericho to achieve the pin.
Winner: Bull Buchanan
11:32 pm-Val Venis vs. Rikish Phatu. Was a streetfight more than a wrestling match, too much violence broke out. The end result is assumed a no contest.
Winners: No contest
11:42 pm-Crash Holly meets Samuel L. Jackson (Shaft) in WWF New York restrurant in NYC and Samuel agrees to protect him.
11:57 pm-The Rock vs. Kurt Angle (mystery opponent). During the match Steph and HHH and the Regime came down to the ring. During the match The Rock hit a RockBottom. Later The Rock hit a Spinebuster and nailed the People's Elbow but HHH jumped in causing a DQ.Kane came down to the ring and cleaned house, Benoit comes down and attacks Kane. Kane Chokeslams Benoit. Then DX comes down with weapons and Kane & Rock get laid out by them. Triple H gives The Rock the Pedigree.
Winner: The Rock by DQ
12:09 am
(Occurs After Smackdown goes off the air) Undertaker's music hits and comes down on his bike. He lays out everybody until it's just Kane, Rock and 'Taker and just HHH. HHH grabs a mic and talks and says he's Sorry. He says he's Sorry again, (crowd chants kick his ass) HHH says to shut up and he's making a sincere apologize. Wants to shake hands with The Rock. Then HHH taunts the crowds. HHH finally comes back to the Rock and offers his handshake, Rock shook it and says he's full of bygones being bygones and says
if ya insult the People, you insult the People's Champion". Then called HHH an a**hole and gave HHH the RockBottom. Then told Kane and 'Take not to leave because The Rock says he's not ready to leave Chicago. Rock asked both of them if either one of them liked Pie?. He asked Kane, Apple?..Kane nodded No. Rock asked 'Taker if it's Pecan..he didn't respond. 'Taker grabbs the mic and spoke to Kane. They both answered Poontang pie!!
Rock finally says if ya Smellalala what the Rock is cookin'!!
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